Model Making with Mod Roc
Have you ever used Mod roc ? Mod roc is the name given to bandage covered in plaster of paris. It is used to make large structures and models with the advantage of being light in weight and easy to use. Once dry, the model will be strong. Mod roc is a superb art material for building scenery, making masks, puppet, castings and sculptures. Children can use Mod roc under adult supervision. This Mod roc hedgehog was constructed with scrunched up newspaper, Mod roc and cocktail sticks by Elliot, Year 10. To make a Mod roc model It is necessary to decide what you will construct the model's support from. A structure can be formed from cardboard, wire, scrunched up newspaper, cotton wool, foam, card board tubes, pipe cleaners or even a blown up balloon. Use plenty of tape to create the basic shape. Once the structure is made Mod roc is draped over the structure. This will level and make your structure continuous. It will smooth out and manipulate the shape ...