Embroidery Stitches for Children

Some simple embroidery stitches that children can learn to do themselves, many of which are variations of one type of simple stitch. Embroidery Stitches for Children The stitches here are purely based on a running stitch (up one hole, down the next) or a cross stitch (up one then diagonally down one). Depending on the direction, or the angle of the needle, variations can be sewn. Teaching children to thread a needle if your child is right handed, (reverse for left handed), bring one end of the thread round until it meets the other thread, forming a loop and hold in your left hand. Hold tightly between your thumb and finger, insert the needle into the little loop, eye first, and pull tightly away from the thread to make the loop firmer. Push the end of the loop through the eye of the needle. Threading the needle To begin sewing , turn to the back of the fabric and thread the needle though the raised weave of the canvas for 2 or 3 stitches. Push the needle throug...